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Wilson, George, 1919-2007

LC control no.no2011153705
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWilson, George, 1919-2007
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Birth date1919
Death date2007
Profession or occupationIllustrators
Special noteFormerly on undifferentiated name record: n 84014281
Found inLCCN 67024233: Otis, J. Toby Tyler, or, Ten weeks with a circus, 1967 (usage: Illus. by George Wilson)
Mighty Samson, Dark Horse archives. Volume one, 2010: t.p. (cover painting by George Wilson) p. 215 (b. 1919; d. 2007; cover painting artist)
Internet Speculative fiction database, via www, 29 June, 2015 (The space circus, by Con Steffanson, cover art by George Wilson, based on Flash Gordon comic strip by Alex Raymond)