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Pinto-Bazurco Rittler, Ernesto

LC control no.no2011190981
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPQ8498.426.I68
Personal name headingPinto-Bazurco Rittler, Ernesto
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Variant(s)Bazurco Rittler, Ernesto Pinto-
Rittler, Ernesto Pinto-Bazurco
Place of birthMunich (Germany)
Found inAgenda internacional, año 2, no. 4, 1995: p. 69 (Ernesto Pinto-Bazurco Rittler)
Isabel de los mares, 2014: t.p. (Ernesto Pinto-Bazurco Rittler) flap (b. in Munich, Germany, after WWII; has spent most of life in Peru; has worked as Peruvian diplomat and written about international relations; also novelist)