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Tešedíkovo (Slovakia)

LC control no.no2012012101
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingTešedíkovo (Slovakia)
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Geographic subdivision usageSlovakia--Tešedíkovo
Variant(s)Pered (Slovakia)
Found inSchlacht bei Pered,1850
GEOnet, January 25, 2012 (Tešedíkovo; populated place; Nitriansky, Slovakia; variant: Pered; 48°06'22"N 017°51'07"E)
GeoNames, January 25, 2012 (Tešedikovo; populated place; Nitrainsky; Slovak Republic; variants: Pered, Tesedikovo,Tešedíkovo; N 48° 6' 21" E17° 51' 6" (48.10609 / 17.8519))
Wikipedia, via WWW, January 25, 2012 (Tešedíkovo; Hungarian: Pered; a village and municipality in Šaľa District, in the Nitra Region of south-west Slovakia)