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Hodgson, Tom, 1924-

LC control no.no2012034206
Personal name headingHodgson, Tom, 1924-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Hodgson, Thomas Sherlock, 1924-
Found in19 Canadian painters 1962, 1962: cover (Hodgson) p. 13 (Tom Hodgson; b. Toronto 1924; studied at Ontario College of Art; one of founders of Painters Eleven, group of Toronto abstract artists)
AMICUS, Mar. 4, 2012 (hdg.: Hodgson, Tom, 1924-)
ULAN via VIAF, Mar. 4, 2012 (hdg.: Hodgson, Thomas Sherlock (Canadian painter, born 1924))
LC database, Mar. 8, 2012 (hdg.: Hodgson, Thomas Sherlock, 1924-; usage: Tom Hodgson)