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Carroll, E. M

LC control no.no2012076833
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPN6733.C369 ViU
Personal name headingCarroll, E. M.
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Variant(s)Carroll, Emily, 1983-
Associated countryCanada
LocatedVancouver (B.C.) Stratford (Ont.)
Birth date1983-06
AffiliationSheridan College
Profession or occupationAnimators Artists
Comic book writer Comic book illustrator
Found inExplorer, 2012: t.p. (Emily Carroll) p. [128] (animator for children's television, comic book illustrator and writer)
Emily Carroll, June 1, 2012 (b. June 1983; Sheridan College, Animation, 2005; lives in Vancouver, British Columbia)
Through the woods, 2015: inside back cover (lives in Stratford, Ontario)
Wikipedia, viewed on July 8, 2019 (Canadian comics author from London, Ontario)
Wikipedia, viewed on September 12, 2024 (E.M. Carroll, previously credited as Emily Carroll)
National bib agency no.1031L2277E
Associated languageeng
Quality codenlc