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Marín López, Javier, 1977-

LC control no.no2012091030
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMarín López, Javier, 1977-
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Variant(s)López, Javier Marín, 1977-
Birth date1977
Place of birthUbeda (Jaén, Spain)
Field of activityMusicology
AffiliationUniversidad de Jaén
Profession or occupationMusicologists University and college faculty members
Found inLos libros de polifonía de la Catedral de México, 2012: t.p. (Javier Marín López) Spanich CIP (Marín López, Javier)
BNE in VIAF, July 6, 2012 (hdg.: Marín López, Javier; Universidad de Jaén; music)
Universidad de Jaén WWW site, July 6, 2012 (Dr. Javier Marín López; PhD musicology, Universidad de Granada; born 1977, Úbeda, Jaén)
Associated languagespa