LC control no. | no2012138926 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Lowendal, Ulrich-Frédéric Woldemar, Comte de, 1700-1755 |
Variant(s) | Woldemar, Ulrich-Frédéric, Comte de Lowendal, 1700-1755 |
Located | Saxony, Germany Poland Austria Russia France |
Birth date | 17000406 |
Death date | 17550527 |
Place of birth | Saxony, Germany |
Profession or occupation | French military marshal French statesman |
Found in | Le comte de Lowendal, [2012] t.p. (Le comte de Lowendal Ulrich-Frédéric Woldemar, Marechal de France 1700-1755) p. 10 (ULRICH-FREDERIC-WOLDEMAR comte de LOWENDAL April 6, 1700, died May 27, 1755, Naturalisé Français en January 1745, Maréchal de France September 17, 1747) p. 4 of cover (Ulrich Frédéric Woldemar, comte de Lowendal est certainement le plus européen de nos maréchaux de France. Issu des rois de Danemark, né en Saxe, ayant servi en Saxe, en Pologne, en Autriche, en Russie pour terminer au service de la France) Wikipedia, October 9, 2012: (Ulrich Frédéric Woldemar, Comte de Lowendal (1700-1755) was a German-born French soldier and statesmen ... he served in the armies of several countries, but is best known for his service in the French army during the War of the Austrian Succession) |