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Perea, Luis Amaranto, 1979-

LC control no.no2012141124
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPerea, Luis Amaranto, 1979-
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Variant(s)Perea Mosquera, Luis Amaranto, 1979-
Mosquera, Luis Amaranto Perea, 1979-
Biography/History noteLuis Amaranto Perea Mosquera is a Colombian footballer who plays for Cruz Azul in Mexico.
Associated placeMexico
Birth date19790130
Place of birthColombia
Field of activitySoccer
AffiliationCruz Azul
Profession or occupationSoccer player
Found inSad, Elizabeth Levy. Luis Amaranto Perea, c2013 : t.p. (Luis Amaranto Perea, Luis Amaranto Perea Mosquera, born Jan. 30, 1979, in Currulao, Colombia)
Wikipedia website, Oct. 26, 2012 (Luis Amaranto Perea Mosquera, Colombian footballer who plays for Cruz Azul in Mexico)
Associated languagespa