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Kirsch, Philippe, 1947-

LC control no.no2012153468
Personal name headingKirsch, Philippe, 1947-
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Associated countryBelgium Canada
Associated placeQuébec
Birth date19470401
Field of activityLaw International law
AffiliationInternational Criminal Court
Profession or occupationLawyers Judges
Found inStatut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, 2012: t.p. (Philippe Kirsch) p. 7 (Philippe Kirsch, former judge and first president of the International Criminal Court)
Wikipedia, Nov. 29, 2012: Philippe Kirsch (b. April 1, 1947, Belgium; to Canada in 1961; lawyer; member of the bar of the Province of Quebec; judge at International Criminal Court, 2003-2009)
Not found inLC online catalog, Nov. 29, 2012; BNF online catalog, Nov. 29, 2012
Associated languagefre