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Morell, Bernhard, 1785-1859

LC control no.no2012159522
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMorell, Bernhard, 1785-1859
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Variant(s)Morell, Bernhard-Rudolf, 1785-1859
LocatedWürzburg, Germany
Birth date17850614
Death date18591229
Place of birthBern, Switzerland
Place of deathBern, Switzerland
Field of activityArchitecture Public administration
Profession or occupationArchitects Public officers
Found inBernhard Morell, 2012: title page (Bernhard Morell) page 7 (full name: Bernhard-Rudolf Morell, but appears both in original documents and secondary literature most often with only his first given name) pages 16-17 (born June 14, 1785 in Bern, Switzerland; education and early employment not well attested by contemporary documentation, an 1826 document states a 3-year practical education in his home town, plus additional training in Strassburg, Karlsruhe and Darmstadt, and several French and Italian cities; entered Bavarian service in 1809) page 19 (because of political unrest, pensioned in 1814 and spent time in military service until 1816; appointed Landbauinspektor in Würzburg, Aug. 1, 1816) page 99 (released from service late 1821) pages 102-103 (finally pensioned off in July 1826, spending the rest of his life in several foreign places; died Dec. 29, 1859 in Bern, Switzerland of a stroke, buried Jan. 2, 1860 in Monbijou Cemetery)
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online, via WWW, Dec. 18, 2012 (access point: Morell, Bernhard-Rudolf; other access: Morell, Bernhard; architect, dates: 1785-1859)