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Gutzmer, August, 1860-1924

LC control no.no2013004766
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGutzmer, August, 1860-1924
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Gutzmer, A. (August), 1860-1924
Gutzmer, Karl Friedrich August, 1860-1924
Gutzmer, Carl Friedrich August, 1860-1924
LocatedJena, Germany
Halle, Germany
Birth date18600202
Death date19240510
Place of birthNeustadt an der Dosse, Germany
Place of deathHalle, Germany
Field of activityMathematics
Profession or occupationMathematician Professor
Found inRaum und Zeit, 1909: t.p. (A. Gutzmer)
VIAF, viewed 20 Nov. 2012: ID: 32150211 (DNB preferred form: Gutzmer, August, 1860-1924; DNB alternate name forms: Gutzmer, Augustus, 1860-1924; Gutzmer, Carl Friedrich August, 1860-1924; Gutzmer, Karl Friedrich August, 1860-1924; Nationality German, language German; country of publication Germany)
MacTutor History of Mathematics archive (Web), viewed 20 Nov. 2012: Gutzmer biography (Karl Friedrich August Gutzmer; born 2 Feb. 1860 in Neu-Roddahn, near Neustadt an der Dosse, Germany; died 10 May 1924 in Halle, Germany; mathematician, professor of mathematics at University of Jena, 1899-1905, and at University of Halle-Wittenberg, 1905-1914, rector 1914-1915)
OCLC, 20 Nov. 2012: (access points: Gutzmer, August, 1860-1924; Gutzmer, August, 1860- ; Gutzmer, A. (August), 1860- ; Gutzmer, A.; usage: A. Gutzmer; August Gutzmer; works in German, as author, and Latin, as editor)
Associated languageger lat