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Löbel, Bruni, 1920-2006

LC control no.no2013037952
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLöbel, Bruni, 1920-2006
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Variant(s)Löbel, Brunhilde Melitta, 1920-2006
Birth date19201220
Death date20060927
Profession or occupationActress
Found inKurzer Prozess, 2008: credits (Bruni Löbel)
Imdb, March 31, 2013 (Bruni Löbel; born Brunhilde Melitta Löbel on December 20, 1920 in Chemnitz, Germany; died September 27, 2006 in Mühldorf am Inn, Bavaria, Germany; actress)