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Gutzwiller, Andreas, 1845-1917

LC control no.no2013054487
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGutzwiller, Andreas, 1845-1917
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Variant(s)Gutzwiller, A. (Andreas), 1845-1917
Birth date18450912
Death date19170914
Place of birthTherwil, Switzerland
Place of deathBasel, Switzerland
Field of activityPaleobotany
Profession or occupationGeologists
Found inGutzwiller, Andreas. Der Löss mit besonderer Berücksichtigung seines Vorkommens bei Basel, 1894: title page (von A. Gutzwiller)
Biographical notes upon botanists, 1965 (Gutzwiller, Andreas; b. 12 Sep. 1845, Therwil bei Basel; d. 14 Sept. 1917, Basel; geologist)