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Brilmayer, Benedikt

LC control no.no2013054570
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBrilmayer, Benedikt
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1980
Place of birthMunich (Germany)
Field of activityMusicology Musical instruments Translating and interpreting
Found inHeinichen, Johann David. Johann David Heinichen's Gründliche Anweisung (1711), 2012: title page (translated by Benedikt Brilmayer)
Electronic musical instruments in collection context, 2022: t.p. (Benedikt Brilmayer; editor)
Wikipedia, March 13, 2023: Benedikt Brilmayer (born 1980 in Munich; German musicologist with a focus on organology at the Berlin Musical Instrument Museum)
Associated languageeng