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Warren, Gene, 1916-1997

LC control no.no2013062455
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWarren, Gene, 1916-1997
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Warren, G. (Gene), 1916-1997
Birth date19160812
Death date19970717
Place of birthBoulder (Colo.)
Place of deathLos Angeles (Calif.)
Field of activityAnimation (Cinematography) Cinematography--Special effects Motion pictures
Profession or occupationAnimators Motion picture producers and directors
Found inA date with Duke [MP] 1947: credits (animation, Gene Warren)
Internet movie database WWW site, June 7, 2013 (Gene Warren; b. August 12, 1916, Boulder, Colorado; birth name, Gene Frances Warren, Sr.; d. July 17, 1997, Los Angeles, California; visual effects designer, animator, producer; alternate name, G. Warren)