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Ius commune (Vico Verlag). Rechtsquellen

LC control no.no2013119593
Descriptive conventionsrda
Uniform title headingIus commune (Vico Verlag). Rechtsquellen
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Variant(s)Rechtsquellen (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Series numbering example19 DPCC MH-L
Series place/Issuing bodyFrankfurt am Main Vico Verlag
Series analysis practicef MH-L
Series tracing practicet DPCC MH-L
Series class practices MH-L
Form of workSeries
Beginning date2004
Special noteSubtitle of main series: Rechtstradition der europäischen Länder
Found inCodicis Iustiniani, 2011: series title page (Ius commune : Rechtstradition der europäischen Länder ; 99. Rechtsquellen ; 19)
OCLC, October 28, 2013 (Editio Taurelliana digestorum (Littera Florentina). 2004. Ius commune. Rechtsquellen ; 1)
Associated languagelat ger