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Klotz, Matthias, 1653-1743

LC control no.no2013136956
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKlotz, Matthias, 1653-1743
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Variant(s)Klotz, Mathias, 1653-1743
Birth date16530611
Death date17430816
Place of birthMittenwald (Germany)
Place of deathMittenwald (Germany)
Field of activityMusic
Profession or occupationViolin maker
Found inLayer, Adolf. Matthias Klotz von Mittenwald, 1959: page 6 (born June 11, 1653, Mittenwald) page 20 (died August 16, 1743, Mittenwald; German violin maker)
Grove music online, viewed December 6, 2013 (under Klotz: Mathias Klotz)