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Leitgeb, H. (Hubert), 1835-1888

LC control no.no2013141954
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLeitgeb, H. (Hubert), 1835-1888
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Variant(s)Leitgeb, Hubert, 1835-1888
Associated countryAustria
Birth date18351013
Death date18880405
Profession or occupationBotanists
Found inLeitgeb, H. Neue Saprolegnieen, 1869?: caption (H. Leitgeb)
Wikipedia, Dec. 18, 2013 (Hubert Leitgeb; b. 13 October 1835, Portendorf, Austria, d. 5 April 1888; Austrian botanist known for his work in the fields of plant anatomy and morphology)
Associated languageger