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Scharl, Benno, 1741-1812

LC control no.no2013142600
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingScharl, Benno, 1741-1812
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Variant(s)Scharl, Benjamin, 1741-1812
Biography/History noteBenno Scharl (1741-1812) was a Bavarian economist and master brewer of bottom-fermented beer; later in life he became a Jesuit and subsequently founded a school for Jesuit novitiates in Landsberg am Lech.
Associated countryGermany
Associated placeLandsberg am Lech (Germany)
LocatedBavaria (Germany)
Birth date17410606
Death date18120302
Place of birthSeefeld (Bavaria, Germany)
Place of deathGrünbach (Bavaria, Germany)
Field of activityEconomics Brewing
Profession or occupationEconomists Brewers
Found inBeschreibung der Braunbier-Brauerey, 1814: t.p. (Benno Scharl)
Wikipedia (Deutsche), November 25, 2013 (Benno Scharl, properly Benjamin Scharl, b. 6 June 1741 in Seefeld, Bavaria; d. 2 March 1812 in Grünbach, Bavaria; economist and brewer; Jesuit and founder of school for Jesuit novitiates in Landsberg)
Not found inDeutsche biographische Enzyklopädie; Neue deutsche Biographie; Allgemeine deutsche Biographie
Associated languageger