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Cockburn, Alison (Alison Rutherford), 1713-1794

LC control no.no2014001163
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCockburn, Alison (Alison Rutherford), 1713-1794
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Variant(s)Cockburn, Alicia, 1713-1794
Cockburn, A. Rutherford (Alison Rutherford), 1713-1794
Birth date17131008
Death date17941122
Place of birthFairnalee (Scotland)
Place of deathEdinburgh (Scotland)
Profession or occupationAuthors
Found inScottish literary review, 2013: volume 5, issue 1, pages 13-29 (article title: Robert Burns and Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski: a translatological investigation into the mystery of 'I dream'd I lay' [by] ; also discusses the work of Alicia Cockburn, 1713-1794)
OCLC usage, 22 November 2013 (Alison Cockburn, Alison Rutherford Cockburn, Alicia Cockburn, A. Rutherford Cockburn)
Oxford dictionary of national biography online, 22 November 2013 (Alison Cockburn, née Rutherford; born 8 October 1713 in Fairnalee, Scotland; writer and literary hostess; died in Edinburgh on 22 November 1794)
Associated languageeng