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Rosani, Giovanni Battista, Bishop of Eritrea, 1787-1862

LC control no.no2014032004
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRosani, Giovanni Battista, Bishop of Eritrea, 1787-1862
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Variant(s)Rosani, Ioannes Baptista, Bishop of Eritrea, 1787-1862
Associated countryEritrea (Ethiopia)
LocatedVatican City
Birth date17870921
Death date18620808
Profession or occupationBishops
Found inMuseum gregorianum, MDCCCXXXVIII: page I (Ioannes Baptista Rosani, e. scholis Piis)
Catholic via WWW, March 10, 2014 (Bishop Giovanni Battista Rosani Sch. P. (born 21 Sep. 1787, died 8 Aug 1862), President Emeritus of Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy (Roman Curia), bishop of Erythrum)
Vatican Library in VIAF, Mar. 10, 2014 (Rosani, Giovanni Battista,‏ ‎vesc. tit. di Erythrae,‏ ‎1787-1862‏)
Associated languagelat ita