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Freudenberg, Bele, 1978-

LC control no.no2014080039
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFreudenberg, Bele, 1978-
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Birth date1978
Field of activityAuthorship Autobiography
AffiliationUniversität Hamburg. Historisches Seminar
Found inVon Sarazenen und Juden, Heiden und Häretikern, 2013: title page (Bele Freudenberg)
Tempus Vitae Biographie-Service Dr. Bele Freudenberg WWW site, June 11, 2014 (Dr. Bele Freudenberg, born 1978; taught at Universität Hamburg Historisches Seminar from 2004 to 2012; runs Tempus Vitae, a web site providing biographical and memoir writing services)
Associated languageger