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Proserpina (Roman deity)

LC control no.no2014090168
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingProserpina (Roman deity)
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Variant(s)Proserpine (Roman deity)
Prozerpina (Roman deity)
Pruserpina (Roman deity)
Puroserupina (Roman deity)
プロセルピナ (Roman deity)
Προσερπίνα (Roman deity)
Прозерпіна (Roman deity)
Прозерпина (Roman deity)
普洛塞庇娜 (Roman deity)
See alsoPersephone (Greek deity)
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Associated placeRome
Special noteNon-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inClaudianus, Claudius. Oeuvres. Tome 1, Le rapt de Proserpine, 2002.
Brill's new Pauly online, 7 July 2014 (Preserpina; Roman deity, parallel to Greek deity Persephone)
Wikipedia, 7 July 2014 (Proserpina; Proserpine; Roman goddess whose cult, myths and mysteries were based on those of Greek Persephone and her mother Demeter; identified with the Roman fertility goddess Libera, daughter of the grain/agricultural goddess Ceres and wife of Liber, daughter of Jupiter; other forms of name: Прозерпина; Prozerpina; Pruserpina; Προσερπίνα; Proserpine; プロセルピナ; 普洛塞庇娜)
Invalid LCCNsh 85107581