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Dawn of the planet of the apes (Motion picture)

LC control no.no2014094673
Descriptive conventionsrda
Uniform title headingDawn of the planet of the apes (Motion picture)
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Variant(s)Planet of the apes (Motion picture : 2014)
Form of workMotion picture
Beginning date2014
Associated countryUnited States
Found inIrvine, Alexander. Dawn of the planet of the apes, 2014: title page (Dawn of the planet of the apes : the official movie novelization) front cover (Based on the screen play written by Mark Bomback and Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver, based on the characters created by Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver)
Internet Movie Database, July 11, 2014 (Dawn of the planet of the apes, 2014, action, drama, sci-fi, directed by Matt Reeves)
Associated languageeng