LC control no. | no2014100643 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Geographic heading | Sigourney (Iowa) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Iowa--Sigourney |
Variant(s) | City of Sigourney (Iowa) |
Associated country | United States |
Located | Iowa |
Found in | GNIS, July 29, 2014 (Sigourney; PPL; Keokuk County, Iowa; 41°20ʹ00ʺN, 092°12ʹ17ʺW) Sigourney Website, July 29, 2014: (Named after poetess Lydia Sigourney and founded in 1844) <> Wikipedia, July 28, 2014 (Sigourney, Iowa; city in and county seat of Keokuk County) The Sigourney News-Review (OCLC #83350250): (125th anniversary historical review , 1844-1969) |
Geographic area code | n-us-ia |