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Hamdan, Yasmine, 1976-

LC control no.no2014123313
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHamdan, Yasmine, 1976-
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Variant(s)حمدان، ياسمين، 1976-
Ḥamdān, Yāsmīn, 1976-
Associated countryLebanon
LocatedParis (France)
Birth date1976
Place of birthBeirut (Lebanon)
Profession or occupationSingers Composers Actresses
Special noteNon-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inHamdan, Yasmine. Ya nass, 2013: label (Yasmine Hamdan) container (voice, keyboards) insert (credited as composer)
Wikipedia, September 18, 2014 (Yasmine Hamdan; born 1976; Lebanese singer, songwriter, and actress, now based in Paris)
Yasmine Hamdan WWW site, September 18, 2014 (Yasmine Hamdan; ياسمين حمدان = Yāsmīn Ḥamdān; songwriter and vocalist; moved from Lebanon to Paris)
BnF in VIAF, September 18, 2014 (Hamdan, Yasmine, 1976- ; born Beirut, Lebanon; author, composer, performer)