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Langemak, G. Ė. (Georgiĭ Ėrikhovich), 1898-1938

LC control no.no2014165123
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLangemak, G. Ė. (Georgiĭ Ėrikhovich), 1898-1938
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Лангемак, Г. Э. (Георгий Эрихович), 1898-1938
Langemak, Georgiĭ Ėrikhovich, 1898-1938
Лангемак, Георгий Эрихович, 1898-1938
Birth date18980708
Death date19380111
Profession or occupationMilitary engineers
Special noteNon-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inGlushko, A. V. Neizvestnyĭ Langemak, 2012: verso title page (Г.Э. Лангемак; = G.Ė. Langemak)
World Wide Web, 12-15-2014: (Лангемак, Георгий Эрихович = Langemak, Georgiĭ Ėrikhovich, born in Starobelʹsk 21 (8) July 1898, died 11 January 1938)
Associated languagerus