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Nielsen, Dr., 1806-1883

LC control no.no2014167936
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingNielsen, Dr., 1806-1883
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Nielsen, Doktor, 1806-1883
Doktor Nielsen, 1806-1883
Dr. Nielsen, 1806-1883
Nielsen, Nicolai Johannes Ernst, 1806-1883
Nielsen, Nikolaus Johann Ernst, 1806-1883
Nielsen, Nicolai Johann Ernst, 1806-1883
Nielsen, Nicolaus Johann Ernst, 1806-1883
Nielsen, Nikolai Johann Ernst, 1806-1883
Nielsen, Nikolai Johannes Ernst, 1806-1883
Other standard no.50030459
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1806-04-19
Death date[1883-01-26,1888-01-26]
Profession or occupationTheologians
Found inNielsen, Dr. Wortsinn und Bau des kleinen Luther. Catechismus, 1856: title page (von Dr. Nielsen, Superindendent)
OCLC, Dec. 15, 2014 (access points: Nielsen, Nikolaus Johann Ernst; Nielsen, Nicolai Johann Ernst; Nielsen, Nicolai Johann Ernst, 1806-1883; Nielsen, Nicolai Johannes Ernst; Nielsen, Nicolaus Johann Ernst, 1806-1883; usage: Dr. Nielsen; Nicolai Johannes Ernst Nielsen)
German Wikipedia, Dec. 15, 2014 (Nicolaus Johann Ernst Nielsen; born April 19, 1806, Rendsburg; died Jan. 26,1888, Oldenburg; German theologian.)
CERL Thesaurus, Dec. 15, 2014 (access point: Nielsen, Nicolaus Johann Ernst, born April 19, 1806; died Jan. 26, 1883; variant names: Nielsen, Nikolai Johann Ernst; Nielsen, Nikolai Johannes Ernst)
VIAF, Dec. 15, 2014 (access poitn: Nielsen, Nicolaus Johann Ernst, 1806-1883)