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Le Fevre, Egbert, 1858-1914

LC control no.no2015006338
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLe Fevre, Egbert, 1858-1914
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Variant(s)Fevre, Egbert le, 1858-1914
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date18581029
Death date19140330
Place of birthRaritan (N.J.)
Place of deathNew York (N.Y.)
Field of activityMedicine
Found inLe Fevre, Egbert. Physical diagnosis including diseases of the thoracic and abdominal organs, 1905: title page (Egbert Le Fevre, M.D.)
New York Times, Mar. 31, 1914: page 11 (Egbert Le Fevre ; born Oct. 29, 1858 in Raritan, N.J. ; died yesterday, New York ; dean of New York University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, consulting physician and diagnostician)
Associated languageeng