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Vekemans, Lot (Liselot), 1965-

LC control no.no2015027971
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPT5882.32.E54
Personal name headingVekemans, Lot (Liselot), 1965-
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Variant(s)Vekemans, Liselot, 1965-
Associated countryNetherlands
Birth date1965
Profession or occupationDramatists
Found inAyer no termina nunca, 2013: container (loosely based on the work "Gif," by Lot Vekemans)
OCLC, February 18, 2015 (access point: Vekemans, Lot (Liselot), 1965-; usage: Lot Vekemans)
Dutch Wikipedia, February 18, 2015 (Lot Vekemans; Dutch playwright; born 1965)
Associated languagedut