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Kinchen, Marc

LC control no.no2015041658
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKinchen, Marc
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Kinchen, Mark
MK (Sound recording producer)
Birth date1972-08-03
Place of birthDetroit (Mich.)
Field of activityHouse music Popular music
Profession or occupationSound recording executives and producers Disc jockeys
Found inStrawberries [SR] p1998: label (Mark Kinchen remix), Mar. 31, 2014 (Marc Kinchen; real name: Marc Christopher Kinchen; variations: MK, Mark Kinchen, others)
OCLC, Mar. 31, 2015 (hdg.: Kinchen, Marc; usage: MK)
Surrender [SR] p1993: label (MK) insert (Marc Kinchen)
Wikipedia, May 8, 2018 (Marc Kinchen; b. Aug. 3, 1972 in Detroit, Mich.; known by his stage name MK; American DJ, record producer, and remixer; genres: house, deep house, dance, pop, R&B)