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Mineo, Andy, 1988-

LC control no.no2015043604
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMineo, Andy, 1988-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)C-Lite (Musician)
Associated placeSyracuse (N.Y.)
LocatedNew York (N.Y.)
Birth date19880417
Field of activityRap (Music) Contemporary Christian music Hip-hop Sound recordings--Production and direction
Profession or occupationRap musicians Sound recording executives and producers Clergy
Found inRise, p2014: (featuring Andy Mineo), via WWW, 23 March 2015: (Andy Mineo, former stage name C-Lite, is an American Christian hip hop artist, producer, minister, TV and music video director from New York City. Originally from Syracuse, Mineo worked as a producer in high school in Upstate New York. After moving to New York City, he realized his weak spiritual condition, re-dedicated his life to Christ and closed down his production studio in order to restart his career. Born April 17, 1988.)
Associated languageeng