LC control no. | no2015047229 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Geographic heading | Mölbis (Espenhain, Germany) |
Variant(s) | Mölbis (Germany) Espenhain (Germany). Mölbis |
Associated country | Germany |
Special note | SUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. |
Found in | Sperling, Wolfgang. Mölbis : Lexikon zur Geschichte des Dorfes, 2012 GeoNames, April 9, 2015 (Mölbis, Germany; Adm1 Saxony; 51⁰11ʹ40ʺN, 012⁰29ʹ47ʺE; populated place) German Wikipedia, April 9, 2015 (Mölbis, village belonging to the Gemeinde Espenhain in the Landkreis Leipzig, in Saxony; 18 kilometers southeast of Leipzig; coordinates: 51°11ʹ41ʺN, 12°29ʹ52ʺE; "Am 1. Januar 1999 wurde Mölbis nach Espenhain eingemeindet") Web page of Dorfentwicklungsgesellschaft Mölbis e. V., Apr. 9, 2015 (Mölbis; "Herzlich willkommen auf der Internetpräsenz des Ortsteils Mölbis der Gemeinde Espenhain"; celebrated 775th anniversary in 2005; incorporated into Espenhain on Jan. 1, 1999) |
Geographic area code | e-gx--- |