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Mölbis (Espenhain, Germany)

LC control no.no2015047229
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingMölbis (Espenhain, Germany)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Mölbis (Germany)
Espenhain (Germany). Mölbis
Associated countryGermany
Special noteSUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.
Found inSperling, Wolfgang. Mölbis : Lexikon zur Geschichte des Dorfes, 2012
GeoNames, April 9, 2015 (Mölbis, Germany; Adm1 Saxony; 51⁰11ʹ40ʺN, 012⁰29ʹ47ʺE; populated place)
German Wikipedia, April 9, 2015 (Mölbis, village belonging to the Gemeinde Espenhain in the Landkreis Leipzig, in Saxony; 18 kilometers southeast of Leipzig; coordinates: 51°11ʹ41ʺN, 12°29ʹ52ʺE; "Am 1. Januar 1999 wurde Mölbis nach Espenhain eingemeindet")
Web page of Dorfentwicklungsgesellschaft Mölbis e. V., Apr. 9, 2015 (Mölbis; "Herzlich willkommen auf der Internetpräsenz des Ortsteils Mölbis der Gemeinde Espenhain"; celebrated 775th anniversary in 2005; incorporated into Espenhain on Jan. 1, 1999)
Geographic area codee-gx---