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Grau, Roberto, 1900-1944

LC control no.no2015076872
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGrau, Roberto, 1900-1944
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryArgentina
Birth date19000318
Death date19440412
Place of birthBuenos Aires, Argentina
Place of deathBuenos Aires, Argentina
Field of activityChess
Found inGrau, Gloria C. Roberto Grau, el maestro, 2007: page [19] (Born Roberto Gabriel Grau, March 18, 1900, in Buenos Aires) page [82] (died in Buenos Aires, April 12, 1944)
OCLC database, June 9, 2015 (access points: Grau, Roberto, 1900-1944 ; Grau, Roberto G. ; Grau, Roberto G. (Roberto Gabriel) ; etc. ; usages: Roberto Grau ; R.G. Grau ; not given)