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Ewerrien, Rainer, 1960-

LC control no.no2015085274
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingEwerrien, Rainer, 1960-
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Birth date19600528
Place of birthFrankfurt am Main, Germany
Profession or occupationActors Screenwriters
Found inStrauch, Carsten. Götter wie wir, 2014: title page (Carsten Strauch, Nina Werth, Rainer Ewerrien) page facing title page (Rainer Ewerrien; actor and screenwriter; has worked with Strauch and Werth since 1998)
Internet Movie Database web site, viewed June 26, 2015: (Rainer Ewerrien; born May 28, 1960, Frankfurt, Germany; actor and screenwriter)
Associated languageger