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Lozano y Rey, Luis, 1879-1958

LC control no.no2015105516
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLozano y Rey, Luis, 1879-1958
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Variant(s)Rey, Luis Lozano y, 1879-1958
Lozano Rey, Luis, 1879-1958
Lozano Rey, L. (Luis), 1879-1958
Lozano, L. (Luis), 1879-1958
Associated countrySpain
Birth date18790711
Death date19580912
Field of activityIchthyology
Profession or occupationNaturalists
Found inLos principales peces marinos y fluviales de España, 1964: title page (Luis Lozano y Rey, asesor técnico de la Dirección General de Pesca) page vii (preface to the first edition signed in Madrid) viii (Profesor D. Luis Lozano y Rey; author of Ictiología Iberica)
BNE in VIAF, August 10, 2015 (heading: Lozano y Rey, Luis 1879-1958; variant headings: Lozano Rey, L. 1879-1958; Lozano Rey, Luis 1879-1958; Lozano y Rey, L. 1879-1958; Lozano, L. 1879-1958)
Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre, August 10, 2015: Luis Lozano Rey page (born in Madrid, 11 July 1879; died 12 September, 1958; Spanish naturalist, member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, y Naturales; doctor in Natural Sciences; held professorial chair in vertebrate studies at the Facultad de Ciencias at the Universidad de Madrid; was chief of the vertrebrates section at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales; served as asesor técnico de la Dirección General de Pesca; professor associated with the Instituto Español de Oceanografía; worked with the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas sobre ictiología)
Associated languagespa