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Wilson, Marvin L., 1958-2012

LC control no.no2015105644
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWilson, Marvin L., 1958-2012
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date19580105
Death date20120807
Place of birthJefferson County (Tex.)
Place of deathHuntsville (Tex.)
Found inDow, David R. In the Supreme Court of the United States, Marvin L. Wilson, petitioner, v. Rick Thaler, Director, Texas Department of Criminal Justice (Institutional Division), respondent, 2012?: title page (Marvin L. Wilson)
Texas Department of Criminal Justice website, viewed online August 5, 2015 : Executed offenders ("Offender information: Name: Wilson, Marvin Lee DOB: 1/5/58 Native County: Jefferson State: Texas Summary: Convicted in the shooting death of 21-year-old Jerry Robert Williams. Wilson abducted and shot Williams following a physical confrontation between the two in the 1500 block of Verone in Beaumont. Date [of execution]: 08/07/2012")
Associated languageeng