LC control no. | no2015108621 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Schorer, Cornelia, 1863-1939 |
Birth date | 18630712 |
Death date | 19390109 |
Place of birth | Lübeck (Germany) |
Place of death | Potsdam (Germany) |
Affiliation | Universität Zürich |
Profession or occupation | Physicians |
Found in | Klinische Mitteilungen über Chlorose, 1897 (von Cornelia Schorer, med. pract. aus Lübeck) Wikipedia (German version), viewed 16 July 2015 (Cornelia Bernhardine Johanna Schorer; born 12 July 1863, Lubeck, Germany; died 9 January 1939, Postsdam, Germany; 1897, Universität Zürich, graduated with a degree in medicine) <> |
Associated language | ger |