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Wezler, Karl

LC control no.no2016052123
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWezler, Karl
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Birth date19000527
Death date19870717
Place of birthWeissenhorn (Germany)
Place of deathFrankfurt am Main (Germany)
Field of activityPhysiology
Profession or occupationPhysiologists
Found inStrömungsgesetz des Blutkreislaufes, 1953 : t.p. (Karl Wezler)
OCLC, Apr. 1, 2016 (hdgs: Wezler, Karl; Wezler, Karl, 1877-; Wezler, Karl, 1900-1987; usage: Karl Wezler)
Wikipedia, viewed Apr. 1, 2016 (Karl Wezler born 27. May 1900 in Weissenhorn; died 17th July 1987 in Frankfurt am Main was a German physiologist)
Associated languageger