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Ritter, Andreas, 1684-1755

LC control no.no2016086301
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRitter, Andreas, 1684-1755
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Birth date1684-10-04
Death date1755-04-15
Place of birthLübeck (Germany)
Place of deathGreifswald (Germany)
Field of activityTheology Church history
Profession or occupationTheologians Church historians
Found inDissertatio historico-theologica, de sacerdotum salutandi formula Dominus vobiscum, 1705?: title page (Andreas Ritter, Lubecensis, Facult. Philosoph. adjunctus)
World Biographical Information System Online, accessed June 28, 2016 (Ritter, Andreas, male theologian, scholar of religion, born 4 October 1684 in Lübeck, died 15 April 1755 in Greifswald)