LC control no. | no2016092075 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Corvinus, Georg, -1645 |
Variant(s) | Corvinus, Georgius, -1645 Corvin, Georg, -1645 Rab, Georg, -1645 Christoph Corvinus Erben, -1645 Christoff Rabens Erben, -1645 |
Associated place | Herborn (Germany) |
Death date | 1645-08-07 |
Field of activity | Printing Rhetoric History |
Affiliation | Hohen Schule Herborn |
Profession or occupation | Printers College teachers |
Found in | Calvin, Jean. Aphorismi Doctrinae Christianae, maximam partem ex Institutione Calvini excerpti. Sive Loci communes theologici, brevibus sententiis expositi, 1626: title page (Herbornae, Typis Georgii Corvini, & Johan-Georgii Muderspachii) CERL Thesaurus, July 14, 2016 record cni00043415 (Heading Corvinus, Georg. Biographical dates: -1645/46. Activity: printer. Place of activity: Herborn. Variant: Rab, Georg) <> Wikipedia (German), July 14, 2016 (Georg Corvin(us) (geb. um 1608 in Herborn; starb 7. August 1645 in Amsterdam) war Professor der Philosophie. Sein Vater war der Buchdrucker und Verleger Christoph Corvin (1552-1620) ... Er wurde schliesslich Professor der Eloquenz und Geschichte an der Hohen Schule Herborn. Corvin führte zugleich die Druckerei des Vaters zusammen mit seinem Schwager Johann Georg Mudersbach weiter. [Georg Corvin(us) (b. ca. 1608 in Herborn; d. 7. August 1645 in Amsterdam) was a professor of philosophy. His father was the printer and publisher Christoph Corvin (1552-1620) ... he finally became professor of rhetoric and history at the Hohen Schule Herborn. He carried on at the same time his father's printing business with his brother-in-law Johann Georg Mudersbach]) |