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Frick, Heinrich, 1893-1952

LC control no.no2016123617
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFrick, Heinrich, 1893-1952
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1893
Death date1952
Found inFrick, Heinrich. Nietzsche-Zarathustra, 1920: title page (von Heinrich Frick)
Nietzsche und der Deutsche Geis, vol. 40, 1998: page 40 (Frick, Heinrich; born Nov. 2, 1893 in Darmstadt; died Dec. 31, 1952 in Marburg; evangelischer Theologe; Professor of Theology)
DNB in VIAF, Sept. 14, 2016 (heading: Frick, Heinrich, 1893-1952; Professor; Dt. evang. Theologeā€)
Associated languageger