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Williams, Dave (Dafydd Rhys), 1954-

LC control no.no2016128058
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWilliams, Dave (Dafydd Rhys), 1954-
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Variant(s)Williams, Dafydd Rhys, 1954-
Williams, Dave, 1954 May 16-
Williams, Dafydd, 1954-
Associated countryCanada
Associated placeToronto (Ont.) Montréal (Québec)
Birth date1954-05-16
Place of birthSaskatoon (Sask.)
Field of activityMedicine Surgery Emergency Medicine College teaching
AffiliationMcGill University. Faculty of Medicine McGill University Ontario Medical Association Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians Aerospace Medical Association Society for Neuroscience New York Academy of Sciences Sunnybrook Health Science Centre University of Toronto. Department of Surgery
Canadian Space Agency
College of Physicians of Ontario Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society Montreal Physiological Society
Profession or occupationPhysicians Emergency physicians College teachers
Found inWilliams, Dave. To burp or not to burp, 2016: title page (Dave Williams, MD) front cover (Dr. Dave Williams) back cover (lives outside of Toronto)
LAC in Viaf September 22, 2016: (Dyfydd Rhys Williams; astronaut and physician; born May 16, 1954)
LAC internal file, January 29, 2019 (heading: Williams, Dafydd, 1954-; variant: Williams, Dave, 1954 May 16-; Canadian)
Canadian Space Agency website, viewed on January 29, 2019: Biography of Dr. Dafydd (Dave) Rhys Williams (born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; obtained a Doctorate of Medicine and Master of Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine, McGill University; emergency physician; member of the College of Physicians of Ontario, the Ontario Medical Association, the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians, the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine Society and the Aerospace Medical Association; past affiliations include the Society for Neuroscience, the New York Academy of Science and the Montreal Physiological Society; was director of the Department of Emergency Services at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre and assistant professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto; is currently an adjunct professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto and McGill University; in June 1992 the Canadian Space Agency selected Williams as one of four successful candidates to begin astronaut training)
Equivalent(s)Williams, Dafydd, 1954-
National bib agency no.1025D8813E
Associated languageeng
Quality codenlc