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Price, Julius, 1833-1893

LC control no.no2016151655
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPrice, Julius, 1833-1893
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Birth date1833-06-12
Death date1893
Place of birthRussia
Place of deathVienna (Austria)
Profession or occupationDancers Mimes
Found inTschiedl, Victoria E. Julius Price: ein Däne erobert die Wiener Ballettwelt, 2016: back cover (Julius Price; dancer and mime) page 296 (born in Nischnij Nowgorod June 12, 1833; died June 24, 1893)
German Wikipedia, viewed November 10, 2016: Julius Price (born 12. June 1833 in Nischni Nowgorod, Russia; died 24 January 1893 in Vienna; dancer and choreographer; engaged as a solo dancer and mime at the Wiener Hofoper in 1855)