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Parazynski, Scott

LC control no.no2017100650
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingParazynski, Scott
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
AffiliationUnited States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Profession or occupationAstronauts Physicians Air pilots
Found inThe sky below, ©2017: title page (Scott Parazynski)
Scott Parazynski website viewed 2 August, 2017 (A graduate of Stanford University and Stanford Medical School, he went on to train at Harvard and in Denver in preparation for a career in emergency medicine and trauma. Dr. Parazynski has numerous publications in the field of space physiology with particular expertise in human adaptation to stressful environments. In 1992 he was selected to join NASA's Astronaut Corps and eventually flew 5 Space Shuttle Missions and conducted 7 spacewalks (EVAs). In his 17 years as an Astronaut, he served in numerous senior leadership roles, including EVA Branch Chief and the Lead Astronaut for Space Shuttle Thermal Protection System Inspection & Repair (in the aftermath of the Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy). In addition to being a life-long SCUBA diver and accomplished mountaineer, Scott is also a commercial, instrument, multiengine and seaplane-rated pilot with over 2,500 flight hours.)
NASA website viewed 2 August, 2017 (Selected as an astronaut in March 1992, Dr. Parazynski reported to the Johnson Space Center in August 1992. Dr. Parazynski retired from NASA in March 2009 ...)
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