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Boerner, Klaus Erich, 1915-1943

LC control no.no2017110003
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBoerner, Klaus Erich, 1915-1943
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Variant(s)Boerner, Klaus, 1915-1943
Other standard no.0000000066793024
Birth date1915-05-06
Death date1943
Profession or occupationPoets Novelists
Found inGefährtin meines Sommers t.p. (Klaus Erich Boerner)
OCLC database, Aug. 3, 2017 (Boerner, Klaus Erich, 1915-1943; Boerner, Klaus Erich, 1915-; Boerner, Klaus Erich; usage: Klaus Erich Boerner)
ISNI via VIAF, Aug. 3, 2017 (identifier: 0000000066793024; preferred: Boerner, Klaus Erich 1915-1943; variant: Boerner, Klaus; Boerner, Klaus E.; Klaus-Erich Boerner deutscher Schriftsteller; Klaus-Erich Boerner écrivain allemand)
Wikipedia, Aug. 3, 2017 (Klaus Erich Boerner; b. 6 May 1915 in Erfurt; d. 1943 in the USSR; poet, novelist; while serving in the German army taken prisoner by the Soviets in Stalingrad in 1943, missiing in action; declared legally dead in 1950)
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