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Greenwell, Emma, 1989-

LC control no.no2017137903
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGreenwell, Emma, 1989-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryEngland United States
LocatedLondon (England) Los Angeles (Calif.)
Birth date1989-01-14
Place of birthGreenwich (Conn.)
Profession or occupationActors Television actors and actresses Motion picture actors and actresses
Found inShameless. The complete fourth season, 2014: insert (Emma Greenwell [as] Mandy Milkovich)
Wikipedia, viewed August 29, 2017: (Emma Greenwell; born 14 January 1989 in Greenwich, Connecticut; raised in England; actress)
IMDb, viewed August 29, 2017: (Emma Greenwell; actress; born in the United States but raised in London; after graduating from Hurtwood House and LAMDA, she moved to Los Angeles)
Associated languageeng