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Spuler, Arnold, 1869-1937

LC control no.no2018019151
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSpuler, Arnold, 1869-1937
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Associated placeErlangen (Germany)
Birth date1869-06-01
Death date1937-03-15
Place of birthDurmersheim (Germany)
Field of activityLepidopterology
AffiliationUniversität Erlangen
Profession or occupationCollege teachers Lepidopterists
Found inDie Schmetterlinge Europas, 1908: title page (Arnold Spuler ; ao. Professor a. d. Universität Erlangen)
German Wikipedia, viewed Nov. 2, 2017 (Born June 1, 1869 in Durmersheim in Baden; died March 15, 1937 in Aidenried am Ammersee; was a German doctor, entomologist (Lepidopterology), university professor and politician (DNVP))
Associated languageger