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Simonischek, Maximilian, 1982-

LC control no.no2018043386
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSimonischek, Maximilian, 1982-
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Variant(s)Simonischek, Max, 1982-
Birth date1982-10-19
Place of birthBerlin (Germany)
Field of activityMotion pictures
Profession or occupationActors
Found inDie göttliche Ordnung, 2018: opening and eding credits (Max Simonischek), 4 April 2018: (Maximilian Simonischek was born on October 19, 1982 in Berlin, Germany. He is an actor, known for Hindenburg: the last flight (2011), The divine order (2017) and Matthäuspassion (2006).)
Associated languagegsw