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Grendel, Joseph, 1878-1951

LC control no.no2018053875
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGrendel, Joseph, 1878-1951
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Variant(s)Grendel, Josef, 1878-1951
Grendel, P. Josef, 1878-1951
Other standard no.
Birth date1878-01-06
Death date1951-02-10
Place of birthBalve (Germany)
Place of deathRome (Italy)
AffiliationCatholic Church Society of the Divine Word. Missionshaus Sankt Gabriel
Profession or occupationClergy Theologians
Found inDie zentrale Stellung des Missionsgedankens in dem ewigen Heilsplane Gottes, 1911?: title page (P. Joseph Grendel)
German Wikipedia, viewed Feb. 13, 2018: Josef Grendel (he was born Jan. 6, 1878 in Balve, Germany; died Feb. 10, 1951 in Rome, Italy; was a Catholic priest and theologian; was affiliated with the Society of the Divine Word and studied at the Missionsseminar St. Gabriel)
Associated languageger